Friday, January 11, 2019

Let Me Face, Let Me Face, Let Me Face My Fears

Here's a little update for you guys wondering what's going on in my life.

Before you ask, I'm gonna do some kinda college retrospective piece for this blog -- trust me, nostalgia is my specialty. Right now, though, I'm just kinda in a progressive head space. I'm in attack mode right now, so to speak, and I have little interest in dwelling on the past. I know that's pretty unlike me, but maybe that's just growing up. I know that reminiscence is inevitable though, so if you're the one person looking forward to such a post, fret not.

So hey, y'all. How's it going? I've been doing alright. Not great, but far from awful, to be sure. Since graduating, it's been a blend sloth-ing to the highest caliber and nonstop, full-on adrenaline fueled job searching.

You all know I want to become a lawyer, yeah? And with the stresses that come with the life of an aspiring law school applicant, it's natural that I'd want to take a break. I mean, I can't apply for next year, so it's not like I have much of a choice but to take a break. Naturally, this means I need to find employment for the time being. I guess you can say that this mindset inspired this wild little adventure I've been on for the past few days.

Remember how I said I wanted to take a trip to Japan this March? Well, that date, I guess you can say, was a bit arbitrary. I mean, saving up that kinda cash is no simple task. That's when I saw it-- that's when I, on my job hunt, saw a job posting from Disney to teach English in China. Now, believe me, I applied for that job first (which was surprisingly simple and devoid of any real formal qualifications besides a relevant bachelor's degree to boot). I have an interview with them on the 22nd, so please do with me luck!

But this got me thinking-- I wonder what would happen if I searched for ESL jobs in Japan. Well, that's when the juicy bits come in! I've tossed in a bunch of applications left and right in the general direction of every such listing, and I've received MANY responses! Last night, I actually attended an information video conference for Amity, an ESL company all over Japan, and am now scheduling an interview! How exciting!!

I'm really banking on lading this Amity job, because it's low-key been my dream to live in Japan for a while now (but I'm sure you already knew that). Now, a lot of that was just me being a weeb, but in many regards, the cultural shift I'd experience as a result of living in Japan would be such a valuable skill for my future, dontcha think? I mean, look at it this way-- the world is massive. Even though we have maps and we know the relative locations of countries, how much do we, as individuals, really know about countries beyond our own little bubble? The cultural perspective I can gain from this experience can introduce me to a culture with completely different customs and social norms. I just feel that there's so much value in venturing outside of my comfort zone, and at my age, it's now or never, ya know?

I know I kinda brushed over that whole last section, but I assure you that I'm quivering in excitement!

As for the rest of what I've been doing since graduation, I'd say I could sum it up in a couple major points.

Firstly, I've been steadily rewatching Dragon Ball Z! I watched the show as a kid, but could never get back into it in my adulthood because of how much of a slogfest it is. To be honest, that's kind of a fair assessment of the series, but I'm really enjoying myself, and I kinda get this feeling of accomplishment whenever I finish an arc. I got the complete series on blu-ray (I know, watching it in widescreen is the inferior way of experiencing the show, but it looks pretty, okay?), and I'm halfway through season 4, which puts me at about halfway through the series as a whole!

On the topic of Dragon Ball Z, I've also been playing a lot of competitive Dragon Ball FighterZ. It's been both a thrilling and soul-crushing experience, to be sure. Regardless, I'm getting better at the game, and I'm having a blast in the progress. Lestat bought the game for me on Steam, and I've since purchased the game on PS4, because more people play on PS4 than on PC.

Now, I'm just waiting for Kingdom Hearts III to come out. Dude, I've been waiting for this for like 12 years now!! I'd say I'm stoked, but that'd be an understatement. I've already pre-purchased the game at GameStop, and I'll be able to pick it up at 9-ish on the 28th, a full three hours before the game officially releases!!

I've gotta use the bathroom, so I'm just gonna sign out for now!

Thanks for the read, friend.


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