Friday, July 6, 2018

Empathy is Overrated

It's finally over. No, I'm not talking about this blog. I need this thing to stay sane.

This is going to be a short post, and I'm probably not even going to add an album cover to this post. I just wanted to let my future self and those reading know that I'm doing just fine. I've reached a particular turning point in my life, and with it has brought immense happiness and optimism.

There's this way that I perceive things that I wonder if other people share with me. See, I experience "story arcs" in my life. These arcs can last a couple of days to months. Whenever I revisit memories in my mind, I sort of experience this feeling of how that period of time through senses, but not necessarily senses I FELT at the time. Sometimes, these memories and story arcs are associated with new music I listen to. For example, when I was with my girlfriend Ashley, I started listening to I Set My Friends on Fire, and I got hooked on the song "Life Hertz". That song resonates with me, and every time I hear those slow grooves, I'm whisked away to that time in my life. Accompanying this song and these memories associated is a sweet sensation. It's almost like a smell, a taste. It's smooth and sweet.

I'm sure at least one person out there experiences something similar. I'm not very good at explaining these things, so maybe you, the reader, can relate in some way or another.

Anyway, this period of time has felt a bit bitter and dry sensation-wise. I feel like I've been struggling and gasping for air for so long now. At the tail end of this chapter of my life, I've found a new beginning. This new feeling is mellow and accompanied by dim sunlight. Even though the summer heat beats down on me every day at work, this feeling is cool and refreshing. When I've been drowning for so long, even the unremarkable feeling of hope gives me faith that a brighter future is just on the horizon.

Oh yeah, and I've been working out lately, like hardcore. Hope it goes well! :)

I just wanted to put these thoughts into confusing words on my blog before I get my much-needed rest before work today. I'll talk to you guys later.


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