Sunday, June 24, 2018

I Guess I Still Miss You, But Talking's For Functioning People

Hello my bloggy buddies! It's your boy Jacob coming atcha with another hot blog post!

I've been working tons lately. Like, you wouldn't believe it! I've only been back for going on two weeks, and I'm already working 5 days a week. Normally, this'd be discouraging, but I'm trying to make the best of it. I'll easily be able to pay my rent, now, among other things.

"What ARE these other things," you might be asking.  Well, I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not to you. So, basically, I've never taken a proper vacation in my life. I've never been able to choose a destination on the map and afford to go there. Well, my friends, this upcoming spring, it's finally happening!

Where do you think I'm choosing to go? I'll give you one guess.

If you said "France," then you'd be completely incorrect. See, that was my original plan, but then I started looking into it.

The flight to Japan is only $2,000, which sounds like quite a bit, but compared to the almost $3,000 for a Paris ticket, I'm starting to think Japan sounds a lot more reasonable. Japan just always felt so out of reach because of how seemingly expensive it'd be, but after having crunched the numbers, I've come to the conclusion that visiting Japan wouldn't be that much more expensive than staying somewhere in America, barring the flight ticket, of course!


I asked Robert to join me, because I no longer have a viable travel partner (in Chance), but he's kinda on the fence about it. Sure, he could easily get the funds together, but he really won't have time. I'm still hoping he can come, because I'm sure he'd love to, but I had to start asking around for other people to join me.

My friend Parrish is looking pretty promising at the moment; he's an Air Force man, and he can request a leave for a week to go on the trip with me! Plus, I'm like 100% sure he gets free/discounted flights. He's also being a little vague with me, but we'll decide later down the road. No matter what happens, though, I'm going, whether people join me or not.

I set up a GoFundMe so my friends and family could support my travel fees. In the description, I did a travel overview of all the places in Japan I'm planning on going to. After spending hours composing this thing, I don't wanna rehash it all here, but I WILL say that I'm going to land in Tokyo, maybe stay a night or two there. I'll do some sightseeing, shopping and eating there. After that, I'm going to catch a train to Kyoto, where I'll visit historical sites and Shinto shrines. Maybe I'll visit a spring! Finally, I'll take a train or taxi to Osaka to go to Universal Studios Japan and to see the Osaka Castle. Of course, I might instead choose to go to Nagoya, which is effectively between Tokyo and Kyoto.

Like I said, it's definitely gonna happen. It seems like this blog's come full-circle. While I don't need to learn Japanese to visit Japan, I'll be brushing up on some of my classic studies from my blog posts. ;) This shouldn't be difficult; relearning is a lot easier than learning for the first time, after all. It's like learning to ride a bike. (Not like I'd ever now what that's like.)

That's the main thing I wanted to talk about. For those of you who want to keep up with me, I'm going to be making a new post by at least Wednesday this week, which will be decently long. I'm planning to do a storytime post, (unless something big comes up in my life that requires urgent blogging) and I think you're gonna like it!

Mark your calendars for June 27, because it's gonna drop early in the morning, probably! For now, I need some sleep. I'm going to try to do more "storytime" posts, so as to record some of the unforgettable major events in my life.

Also, stay tuned for more Japan news. I'm saving the money for my trip, and I already know it's gonna be incredible.

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