Friday, May 4, 2018

Say You Don't Hate Me For Nothing

Blasting the new Dance Gavin Dance track that Just dropped 11 minutes ago! Holy shit, it's amazing, but that might just be my bias. I'll let you be the judge of that!

Today's been a relatively quiet day, and there's not much to blog about, so I'll do a storytime thing. Is that okay with you all? No? Well, too bad! It's my best content, after all.

First, some updates on my life, though! So I'm officially setting off from this place on Sunday morning, which is pretty soon. I've just gotta keep myself busy and fed until then, and I'm good! I'll stay with my grandma for a week, and then my mom will have her apartment. There's plenty to be excited about this month! We've got so many sweet games coming this month. First, there's Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux on the 15th, Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night & Persona 5 Dancing Star Night on the 24th, and Dark Souls Remastered on the 25th! I'm so fucking ready for a summer of perfection. Plus, there are already so many great games that I can indulge myself with until then. I don't have God of War yet, but I'm definitely gonna pick that up soon.

In addition, my birthday's up soon-- the 29th of May, which is exciting. Huge shoutout to my other May birthdays in the audience-- I know I have a couple. I'm not sure what I'll do, but it'll be great no matter what. Maybe by then, the new DGD album will have leaked, and I can enjoy the album of the year as a nice little early birthday present.

Where there is happiness and relative success, there are sure to be plenty of posts that didn't make it onto the blog. Look, I'm not saying this blog is "successful", as it's basically my diary that I only let those closest to me (or, if you follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) read it. Simply put, my audience doesn't really reach too many folks-- it gets about 30-40 pageviews a day (not including myself), and that fulfills me.

Ever want some insight to these "lost posts"? Probably not, but I want to share them with you! I won't be including the full texts, but trust me, you're not missing much! Most of the time, these posts are simply unfinished. This can be because I just didn't finish writing the post, or perhaps because the the post was too great an undertaking for the effort I was willing to put in at the particular time I started writing it. These posts are resting in my post list on my blog, and marked as Drafts, which is how I can find them so readily. I hope you enjoy an exploration of my past, and some of the posts you might have seen from me.

14 June 2013: Chapter I: Neon Skies and Broken Staircases

Okay, so this isn't actually something that I never posted-- in fact, it has a lot of views compared to my current stuff. This post was written and posted on my blog as the first chapter to a mini-series I was planning to write. I wanted to channel some of my pain from Ashley into something positive, and I was talking to a friend of mine at the time, and she said that she'd love to read it, and so I decided to write it and post it to this blog. The mini-series was to be called Reverberate, and it was my first crack at writing a major work of fiction.

The story detailed a surreal dreamscape, in which an unnamed character trudges through some blood-red sand. He comes across a broken staircase in the ocean of infinite sand, and eventually gets pulled into a dark chasm in the earth.

This story was decently written; the language I used was quite descriptive and I'm honestly a bit jealous of my literary technique from back then, before I knew all I do today. Unfortunately, it suffers severely from "telling and not showing". While the details are nice, I think they're a little bit too on-the-nose for a modern reader.

When I look back, I feel that I deleted this post because I got some pretty valid criticism of the work that made me not-so-proud of it. I was also working on another chapter, but I got distracted by school at the time. I wanted to refine my style, but didn't know where to start. I don't want to be an author who blatantly ignores literary technique, and so I'm going to hold off on publishing my work to my blog until it's something I'm proud of. I'd love to start writing again, though!

16 July 2013: <Untitled>

Like the above post, this one isn't actually something I meant to put onto my blog. See, the window that I'm typing in to write this blog functions well as a sort of pseudo-MS Word, and, seeing as how I didn't have Word at the time, I just decided to use this.

This post is an introduction of myself to my guild members from World of Warcraft, and telling them the story of my life, basically. It was intended to be posted to our guild website, where all the people could read it. I think I did end up posting it there, but the website's probably down.

The post is a basic overview of my life (which, come to think of it, I should do a post about here on my blog sometime-- hopefully it won't go unfinished.) and all of my hardships growing up. I will admit that I hammed it up a little bit in the post, and it's frankly a bit cringeworthy. I'll leave it at that.

21 February 2014: Stop Burning Bridges and Drive Off of Them

This is a relatively brief post that was lost to the light of day early in its life-cycle. Clocking in at only two complete paragraphs, I begin the post stating that my teacher was as big a Doctor Who nerd as I was, referring to Mrs. Livaudais, my English teacher from those days. The next paragraph talks about my trials and tribulations at the Yu-gi-oh! regional event that I went to with my friends at the time, Chance and Parrish, and how we stayed in an extremely "VIP" room at the hotel we were staying in.

The post ends with the start of a new paragraph, that simply reads "Let's talk a little about". I'm dying to know what I was going to talk about. xD

14 March 2014: So pretty much

I'm not actually sure why this one got removed. Maybe I did it by accident, but I believe it was because the picture was too large and I never got around to removing it. I remember writing this one in my online French course in school.

The post excitedly reminisces that it had been a little over a year since I'd started the blog, and I thanked my loyal readers.

The end of the post references a "fucking insane nightmare I had last night," and I think I vaguely remember it. It involved Ashley, which will be a theme with a few of these posts. I've chosen to exclude those details unless they were pertinent to the object of the post. The nightmare was covered in a deleted post, in which just gives a play-by-play of the dream itself and its possible meaning.

19 March 2014: Glurp

I actually recall writing this one, too. I was in class, and I was bored as heck, so I just figured I'd bang a post out.

This is a fun one. Honestly, of all the posts on this list I'm likely to complete one day, it's this one. It follows the story of a young Jacob who was creepily in love with a goth girl in middle school who was totally out of his league, and how he did and said really cringeworthy things over MySpace to win this girl's affection.

If I do end up finishing it, don't be too hard on me! I was a kid, and I had no game whatsoever. I think the reason I've had trouble going back to it is because it's painful to remember how misguided and uncool I was in those times. Yeah, I think we can all agree that what happened in middle school should stay in the past.

7 October 2014: The Sequel

Yikes! This post was about how, back in my first year of attending ECU, I was taking Japanese I for my foreign language requirement. I figured that I had gotten off-track or that I wasn't motivated enough to continue in my Japanese studies, and that I would be returning to study Japanese from that point forward. It was a very theatrical post, and I sounded pretty cool and poetic here.

I had a lot of passion for Japanese study, but I realized that it wasn't for me, at least for the time being. I'd still love to visit Japan sometime, but I really wanted to learn Japanese for the Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton game that had been released in Japan with no plans for a localization. As a huge Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton fan, I really, really wanted to play it, and so I decided to, by all means necessary, learn the language. Thennnnn the game got localized. Who woulda thought?

I don't know if I'll ever start learning Japanese again, but if I do, I'll keep you all in the know.

20 April 2015: Two Years Later

This is a post that I was kind of scared of making, and so I'm glad I didn't. Sure I dated other girls, but Ashley was the first thing that meant anything to me, so I was naturally still in love with the feeling of being loved by someone else. Thinking back, this could have been an interesting post to cover, because my feeling were very different two years later, after having broken up with her.

The post wasn't very long-- Half of it talked about how well I was doing in school, and I had only just broken into the feelings I had. I lament that it had, at that point, been two years after having broken up with her, and I asked myself why I always thought about her and why I missed her. Truth be told, while we did make many wonderful memories together, I was mainly in love with the idea of being in love with someone. There's only one Ashley, but Ashley isn't the girl for me.

4 May 2016: Who I Am Hates Who I've Been -- Part One: Me

"Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" was a series of posts where I went through all of my old photos on my camera roll and talked about the wonderful memories associated with them. Again, I had plenty of memories with Ashley and the people that I took photos with, and I thought it would be cool to put my thoughts to paper. The post would also kinda talk about my life and who I am as a person.

I guess you can chalk this one up to the fact that I was probably constrained for time, and that I never returned to the post. I'd also like to finish this post, and make more posts to complete the series.

Fun fact: This post was named after a Reliant K song by the same name. It's a pretty sick song by one of my favorite bands of my teenage years.

20 September 2016: Goodnight Moon, and Goodnight You

This was an extremely sad post. I don't know how the rest of my week went, but I talk about how my week wasn't going so well up to that point. The tone of my awful week was set was when, earlier that day, I had an extremely heavy nosebleed in the library.

It looked like a fucking crime scene, dude. It was surreal. Blood trailed behind me, staining the bathroom floors and pooling up in the bathroom sink. It was a horrific scene, and plenty of bathroom-goers witnessed my embarrassing and disgusting moment.

13 November 2016: Disgusting

While this post is long, I think I didn't post it because it wasn't entertaining for the average reader of my blog.

It discussed players of an online game I played called Runescape, and how the community is awful, and how everyone is a total scumbag. It was relevant because Runescape is one of my favorite online games, and it crushes me to see it inherited by lowlifes. The post discusses the shallowness of human behavior when you're behind a computer screen, which is a subject that piqued my interest back when I was a communication major.


And that's it! I have plenty of other posts that are hidden, but that's because they're offensive to some people, and I was asked to remove them. If the people whom the posts concerned didn't take umbrage with the posts, they'd still be up.

That's about all the time I have today, folks! As you can see, a lot of these posts are projects that I've been wanting to work on, so perhaps I'll elaborate on them more. This post was just for those that were curious as to the content that I intended to post, but never got around to doing!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day!


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