Monday, April 30, 2018

Cosmic Love

The day's come, mes amis.

After successfully dodging my first and second exam of last week with technicalities, the first true exam period of my first semester as a senior have finally begun. My palms are spaghetti right now if ya know what I'm saying.

Today, at 2PM, I'm gonna be taking my British Literature exam, or "Brit Lit" for short. I'll let you know how it goes. I studied with the lads yesterday, so I should be all good, but I'm still feeling uneasy about all of this.

Remember simpler times before all of this nonsense? I guess that, even back in high school, I got nervous about exams, but in college these finals are the real deal. These'll either make or break you in the grade department. I should be fine, I guess. After all, I passed my French 4 exam last semester with no trouble, and I hardly know anything about French.

I know, I know, I should be studying, but I did read online that one of the best ways to prepare for an exam is to do something that will keep you in a good mood, so I got myself a delicious Bojangles biscuit, and I'm writing a blog post and consuming copious amounts of caffeine before the exam.

Tomorrow, I've got my final exam, and then I'm home free!!! HELL YES BROTHER! Just the thought of escaping this prison (my apartment) for the summer makes me want to run around waving my tentacles in the air.

This summer's destination isn't Garner, though. My mom's moved to a new city, a small town with an interesting local scene. Typically, when I escape from the clutches of college, I nestle myself into a new prison: La Piazza. Go ahead and take a look at my other posts if you don't believe me-- that place is a carcinogen. This summer, though, because of my new beginning, I'm going to forge myself a whole new beginning.

My mom's getting an apartment close to downtown, where I can walk to all the local businesses and apply for a summer job. Apparently, there's tons of businesses down there. Imagine if I got a job as a barista in a coffee shop! I'd get to talk to cute girls all the time! But I'd be hoping to throw all my inhibitions to the wind and make tons of new friends. Only time will tell, but I'm not going to waste this opportunity.

I foresee a new car and tattoos in my future! There's endless possibilities with a new beginning. I simply cannot wait.

I was planning on doing the hiatus because I wanted to get away from the anger and malicious aura I was experiencing in my past through my blog posts, but I suppose I'll keep you guys in the loop as much as I can. You know how I'll disappear without notice, so I'll just stick to that philosophy the way I always have.

Before I move to Southern Pines, I'm planning on seeing my family for a week or two, so there's that. My cousin and her boyfriend are moving away, so it's only ideal that I bid them farewell before they're gone for good. Shit, I don't know-- they might already be gone. Anyhow, spending time back at my home base should be nice before setting off into new waters. I'll make it a point to keep myself in the blogosphere.

Anyway, I might have been a little over-zealous in this post. I'm just feeling positive vibes today. I hope all goes well. Wish me luck for my exams for the next couple of days.

Love you guys! (No homo)


I've been having some difficulties with SoundCloud. I'll look into these issues at my next convenience. The playlist should work, but from my side, it's looking a little glitched. Also, while I can find myself on SoundCloud, my link seems to not be working. I'll update you all with my next post.

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