Monday, November 13, 2017

If You Wanted a Blog Post Written About You, All You Had to Do Was Ask

Sorry for the lack of posts last week.

I’ve had a lot on my mind, really. There’s a lot going on with my mom lately, and it’s definitely been on my mind constantly for lack of a better explanation.

She’s now out of the mental facility, and she’s in good hands at some other recovery program. I’m planning to visit her during my thanksgiving break. I’ll give you a better picture of the situation when I find out more about it. I mean, my mom’s basically told me the whole story, but I just want to make sure things are okay with her before I go talking about all that.

Speaking of thanksgiving, I must say that I’m quite relived to almost be done with this semester. It’s been hecka cancer this time around. I guess you can say I’m just mentally exhausted. I think this winter vacation is going to be exactly what I need for the sake of my mental health. Since I’ve gotten off of Ritalin, things have been a bit more difficult for me; I’m having trouble staying devoted to my school work before my pleasures, but in pure regard for my mental health, I feel that it’s completely worth getting off of.

I’m a Persona fanboy now—it’s official. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you really don’t want to know, and I urge you to skip this paragraph. See, Persona is the quintessential weeaboo RPG series, and, for the most part, its entire community is complete cancer. That said, it’s such a good series. I finished Persona 5 about a month back, and Persona 3 a little while ago. Now, I’m working on a playthrough of Persona 2, and I’m already loving it! The only reason I bring it up is because my new obsession is kind of taking over my life. Like…. Seriously.

Sorry this was a shorter post. Believe me, I have a lot I would like to talk about, but there’s this dude who came into the computer lab with Chik-fil-a. and it smells delicious. Thanks to Chris, I now have enough money to get myself some!


(oh, and thanks for reading <3)

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