Thursday, October 5, 2017

Damaged Pride and Vulnerable

I didn’t get enough sleep last night for sure. I wanted to go to sleep, but sometimes I have trouble falling asleep, despite feeling physically exhausted. So, I stayed up until like 6, and took a little power nap before classes started at 11. I can probably salvage my sleep schedule, though, because I at least got SOME sleep as opposed to pulling a full all-nighter.

Did I mention that my mom got a new job? Yeah, it’s awesome, right? I hope she’ll be just as happy at this new company as she was at Novo. She started just yesterday, which also just so happened to be her birthday. I sent her a text wishing her happy birthday, but she didn’t respond. It was pretty odd, but then again, our phones just got shut off. That doesn’t necessarily mean shouldn’t have seen my imessage, though. Either way, I’m going to see her all weekend for fall break, so I’ll just let her know then.

I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. I guess it’s not so unusual for me, though. I think about the past a lot, but I’m sort of proud of myself. As pathetic as it sounds, I’m still healing from a lot of the *things* that happened about four or five years ago. It wasn’t all pain per-say, but sometimes it was just wishing I could go back and do things differently or to relive the memories with my old friends.
Just take high school for instance—while my sophomore and junior years were magical, my senior year is remembered as the year in which I felt the most blatant pain. Shit, senior year was basically when I started smoking. But, and I know how crazy this sounds, I actually think that senior year of high school was my favorite year. I mean, just look at my old blog posts. I was suffering worse pain than I think I’ve ever felt in my life, but I also had an amazing time hanging with my friends. Really though, those are the moments I kinda want to revisit the most, you know? I mean, the other years were all good and well, but I carried on, despite feeling like a bleeding animal.

And then there’s the time I spent with my World of Warcraft friends! Oh my, the memories. At the tail-end of Cataclysm, I had just met my guildies, and when the new expansion, Mists of Pandaria, launched, hoo boy did I have fun! I wish I could take each and every day back just to see all of the people that were once important to me back together. Nobody really plays anymore, and if they do, they’re not always really in contact with each other.

But enough of the sappy stuff!

I’ve been playing Persona 5. If you haven’t played it yet, you totally should! Well, that is if you can stick with it all the way through. I’ve heard that the main story is like, 80-100 hours of gameplay. That’s insane, really. So, sure, it’s pretty long, but it’s so, so worth it. I’m about 55 hours into it at the moment, and I plan to finish it up over the fall break while I’m at my parents’ house. This isn’t some review or anything, but it’s been a pretty significant part of my life for the past almost 2 weeks.

Well, I guess that about does it for the post today! Short and sweet, unlike a lot of my posts in recent memory. This would have been a prime opportunity to do a Rant Thursday, but I’m not feeling so ranty today. I mean, I do have a roommate who invites his friends over at midnight that keep me awake because they’re constantly throwing chairs and yelling like jungle animals, but that’s best saved for its own post. If people actually read my blog, that’d be my highlight post for the year, that’s for sure!

Anyway, I’ll see ya. If you read this, thanks for reading. If you didn’t, you’re 100% of the people in the world.


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