Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Call Off the Operation

It’s a beautiful rainy day in Greenville as I’m finally coming back to classes for the week. I don’t know if this rain was forecasted; there were plenty of people with rain gear, but also a fair about of people that didn’t even have umbrellas. At orientation, they said, “you know, ECU stands for ‘Everybody Carries Umbrellas’,” and over the course of my college career, I can say with absolute certainty that, if I followed this rule, I would have been a lot better off.

Sleep-deprived post, by the way…

See, I adore the rain, and especially in the cold. So many people (mostly old) often tell me that I’ll catch my death in rains like these without an umbrella. Maybe there’s something I’m missing here, but I’m pretty sure I’m fine walking through some rain in autumn. I don’t know, maybe I’m being contrarian and rude.

But back to what I was originally saying—Basically, I’ve always had to walk to my classes, be it from the dorms or just from building to building on campus itself. As much as I love the rain, it certainly makes doing this more difficult. I haven’t had one of these newfangled heavy-duty backpacks since high school, and I’ve certainly paid the price for it over these past few years. I think you can tell where this is going.

I was my first year at ECU, and I was on my way to anthropology class, in which I had a test. I knew my backpack was soaked (as I rarely carry an umbrella), but I definitely made a miscalculation that day. When I arrived at class (almost late, mind you), I prepared for the exam by reaching into my backpack to grab my scantron sheet. I slapped the soaked, hardly-in-one-piece piece of paper onto the desk before realizing it was ruined. Disgusting!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: that’s a whole lotta buildup for a story so insignificant. First of all, shush. Second of all, shush the fuck up, because I’m getting to the good part.

I guess I shouldn’t have promised a good part.

But seriously though, that thin ass $20 backpack I rocked back then couldn’t protect my precious documents from anything. I’d always forget about it, too, which meant that my documents ended up ruined when I needed them the most. :/

The only reason I bring it up is because, with the retirement of my old backpack, I bought a shiny new one last year at the student store for $70. I needed a new one for the first day of class, and my other one fell apart on me at the last minute, so I made an impulse purchase before people caught me using a plastic bag for a backpack (the objectively most-embarrassing thing that can ever happen to you). Gee whiz, a $70 backpack? Must be the highest caliber, swiss-engineered magnum opus, pinnacle of human creation, thinnest veil between earth and heaven backpack ever created, right? I mean, it WAS $70. Well, and I know this is gonna come as a shocker to each and every one of you, but… the backpack was hot garbage. Just because it had Petey the Pirate, ECU’s mascot, on it, the sick bastards over at the school store had ammunition for the gun that would be promptly pointed at my temple on that fateful day. It’s the smallest and lowest quality backpack I think I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s an overpriced piece of shit. It’s ugly. It… was my only option. And it’s the backpack I use to this very day. Still gets my papers wet.

The reason I haven’t gone to bed yet is because I spent the night (morning technically?) powering through the remainder of Persona 5. Hoo boy, what a delight. I WOULD say that I recommend it, but I’d just sound like a common white guy. You should check it out if you have a PS4, though! If anything, the entire almost 100-hour story is worth playing just to see the end of the game. It’s truly epic and gut-wrenching to say the least. Not gonna lie though, I spent a good 5 hours or more trying to kill that damn final boss.

I was going to talk about my spring break, but instead you got a story about a backpack—your tax dollars at work, folks.

I’ll try to fix my sleep schedule to be lucid for the next post.

Take it easy,


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