Sunday, February 26, 2017

You're a Monster, Nobody Wants Her

What's up, guys?

It's been a while, hasn't it. It's no secret that I love posting on my blog, and I'm glad to be back talking to y'all again. Let's get right into it.

Now before I talk about all of the fun things I've been doing, I think I need to take a sizable portion of this post to talk about something that has encompassed many days of my life as of recently.

It all began when I got a phone call from Ashley. Now Ashley, if you're reading this, don't worry, the post isn't some shot at you or anything. I sincerely want to work on bettering the relationship between you and I. You know, as friends. I think you're a really unexpectedly wise person, and I appreciate your enthusiasm for my works. Thanks for being my number one fan!

But like I was saying, it started when Ashley called me Thursday evening. It was a nice little exchange about personal matters that I won't discuss here for personal matters, but I enjoyed it.

Jump forward an hour or two into the future, I'm still playing Diablo 3, trying to get gear for my damn Wizard, and I receive a call from my long-time friend, Colin. While it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to call me, it was certainly a surprise, especially considering I had just gotten a call from another friend of mine from high school earlier that evening. As cliché as this sounds, I don't thing anything could have prepared me for the moment I picked up that phone.

I'm going to add a disclaimer here, as I know the sentiment of privacy will come into question. I'm going to try my best to include everything I know about this situation because none of the affiliated parties know about my blog. I don't think Colin would mind if I gave a broad description of the night, and so I will.

I said, "Hello." I was expecting the typical "Hey, man," from the other side of the line, but tensed up when I heard the sobbing voice of my friend. He told me that his girlfriend of almost 6 years, Kriss, has been cheating on him. I guess you could say it was more than just a sob, but rather and all-out crying fit. But I couldn't blame him.

He was hysterical and begging to know how she could do something like this to him. He told me that he texted her earlier in the night, and she was asleep. Instead, the guy that she was sleeping with sent a selfie of him lying next to her in bed to Colin, saying that he was with his new girlfriend. I don't know what ensued between that message and the time he called me, but that's how he found out.

Jeez, that's fucked up, and he was feeling what I felt when I broke up with Ashley, but probably more intense. I stayed on the line with him for a while, doing my best to console him. He was at work at the time, and wanted to ensure that he didn't let his emotions get the better of him. Through tears, he told me of a plan he devised, and intended to enact once he got off of work at 6 AM.

He wanted to go down to where she was staying and "catch her in the act." When I asked why he would do that instead of confronting her via text (she lives like maybe an hour away), he told me that he needed closure and a reason to convince himself not to go back to her. Someone who hasn't felt the harsh sting of heartbreak may think it sounds illogical, but I definitely know the feeling, and as stupid as the plan was, I knew I couldn't stop him, no matter how much I wanted to.

He was constantly in a text conversation with the dude who sent the picture, as he claimed he thought that Colin was some sort of "clingy ex-boyfriend." Apparently, they were planning this whole affair, which was still kinda sketchy as shit. But soon, he told me that she woke up, and that he was just going to facetime her to get it over with, which tbh was the better option.

When he called me back, I was astounded by how much he calmed down. He actually sounded a bit satisfied. He said that she was a different person than who he talked to every day. She seemed like a monster, and that almost made things easier.

While I knew this was just a second-wind, and that he'd go back to the self-loathing and suicidal thoughts, I was at least happy that he was in his right mind for a moment. I continued talking to him throughout the morning hours. I tried my best to keep his mind off of the topic of Kriss, as I knew more than anything that he should avoid thinking about her for the time being. That didn't stop him from interjecting to talk about how his plans with her are ruined and how much of a slut she was.

Then, he got a text from the dude saying that Kriss' dad was coming to Colin's apartment. We didn't know why, but Kriss could have told him anything. She's been known to lie about being abused by him in the past, but for the sake of revenge, we don't know how far she's willing to go. He owns guns too, so that didn't make things any more comfortable.

So now Colin's fearing for his life, so I offered to ride home with him so he'd have backup if Kriss' dad wanted to shoot him or something. I also kinda wanted to be there when he confronted his female roommate about Kriss' cheating, as she (for some reason) apparently knew what was going on.

He picked me up after work, and we rode to his apartment. There was definitely a huge gap of awkward silences I had to fill before we arrived. We parked around back to ensure that if Kriss' dad was there, we'd see him before he saw us. But he wasn't there, and he hadn't come. It was probably just the dude lying to scare Colin.

The rest of the details are blurred, but Kriss was a really spiteful bitch. In fact, just 15 minutes ago, she posted an image on Facebook titled "Signs of an Abusive Relationship" with a list of qualities of an abusive relationship.

This is astoundingly ironic, as she exhibits many of these traits herself. She's a fucking sociopath who doesn't give a rat's ass about Colin and his feelings. But let's assume that the relationship was bad- he confronted her MANY times, asking if there was something wrong with the relationship, or if she was unhappy and wanted to break up. Every single time, she denied it and "clung tighter" to him, despite going several days without acknowledging him. It makes me sick to think that people are going to defend her, and I'm not just saying that because Colin's my friend.

She's already posted her relationship status with this new cunt, and made it very evident that she's a spiteful whore. The world would be better without her, as she's taking advantage of Colin's one weakness. She doesn't take ANY blame in this situation, and it's infuriating. I want to feel bad for her because she's mentally ill, but much like my stepfather, that doesn't excuse her actions.

I would like to end this section with a brief PSA on the matter.

Communication is everything in relationships, and if communication fails, then the entire relationship itself is prone to being built on lies. I'm utterly revolted at Kriss' actions, and I know that she'll never find anyone as genuine as Colin. She led him on for years, and there's no excuse for that. I get it if you are unhappy in a relationship, but don't drag them along. Be upfront and honest and DON'T FUCKING BREAK THEIR HEART LIKE THAT. God fucking dammit, I just keep getting more and more steamed the more I think about it. She could have avoided this entirely, but she so carelessly destroyed this boy's ambitions and hopes for the future. Fuck you, Kriss. Fuck you for making my friend consider ending his life. This boy loved you to the death, yet you don't have the common courtesy to let him know that you were sleeping around. He had to find out the hard way. Then, you have the fucking nerve to go around and talk shit on social media? Bitch, I don't think so. It's so ironic, because that was the first point stated in the image you shared. And for that, fuck you. End your life. Not only would the world be a better place without your disgusting face, but you'd be saving a lot of otherwise better people the grief of falling in love with you. You're beyond learning, because you know what you did and maliciously manipulate people because they're good people. You're not clever or admirable for perverting people's love for you, you're a monster. So go die now, please. :)

Rant over.

In other news, I've been enjoying Resident Evil 7. It had a really sad ending, and I hope that Capcom will add more pieces that will allow players to sympathize with Eveline instead of casting her as an absolute evil.

Is there anything else I want to talk about? Eh, nothing that can't wait 'til next time!

Later, ya butts.

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