Friday, December 30, 2016


Time for another rant! It's actually Friday at the moment, but I started writing this on Thursday, go I'm just gonna let myself have this one.

I'm horribly bored here. Like hardcore. I've been staying at my aunt's for a couple of weeks now for my winter break, up here in this freezing room and I've had so little to do. I was supposed to hang out with Faith last week, but she ended up cancelling because her family was meeting that day. I guess we're gonna hang out sometime later, though. She offered to drive up to ECU so we can spend time together. That sounds like it'll be fun! :) 

It hasn't been all bad though. I've been working on a piece that I hope to expand to a novel's length. I'm really happy with that I've got so far, but I see a couple of problems with a couple characters and plot points I'm trying to create. Hopefully I'll be able to make all of this work! Additionally, I've gotten to see and spend time with my family. Living with my aunt, I'm able to see them in between getting food and stepping out of my room for brief and infrequent moments to get some fresh air. 

But besides that, I kinda low-key can't stand it here. My family is great, and I love everyone and all that, but being here is slowly draining me. My younger cousin Courtney is a brat and treats her mom and grandma like shit. She acts like she's queen of the goddamn house when she hasn't even accrued any respect. She'll order grandma to go get her food, and she'll yell and pout until she gets her way. I've heard horror stories, and I've seen it with my own eyes. Her mom told her that she was grounded, and told Courtney to give her her phone. She refused, and when my aunt couldn't snatch it out of her hand, that was the end of it. She dead-ass let that brat kid keep her phone. Nuh-uh.That would never happen if I did that to MY mom. Then again, I know better than to test her patience like that. While I plan on being a cool dad, I can promise you that I'm not gonna let my kids step all over me like that. 

I might as well get it all out before I move on. She's a seventeen year old girl, going on eighteen, and she has zero ambition for the future. She's planning on moving out when she's eighteen and getting an apartment with her friend. How is she going to pay for that? Well, that's the same question that her mother asked her when Courtney told her what her plan was. Courtney replied "Well, normally parents would do something nice for their kids, but I guess I'm not that lucky." Yeah, she SERIOUSLY said that. Even better, she said that after her mom bought her $800 hair extensions that she probably won't use a year from now. She doesn't have a plan to go to college, but she said that she wants to go to cosmetology school. Yeah, she's actually never seen her do hair or makeup or any of that shit before. Going into college, I had this pompous belief that degrees like acting, psychology, sociology, etc were useless degrees. Shit, I even thought that English wasn't worth very much. But you know, I have a million times more respect for someone that pursues their dream of becoming whatever they want to be than to just do something because they're expected to. Like nigga if you work and then come home and play video games all night, you're cool. Don't put a burden on your parents and make them have to carry your weight. I know this sounds hypocritical coming from the dude who's mom helps him pay the rent/tuition, but I'm going to pay back all of my loans myself, and I'm currently looking for a job so that I'm able to pay my own rent. I'll be the first to admit that my mother is too kind for helping me this way, and the absolute least I can do is try to help her, even when she swears that it's a pleasure to help me financially. 

So I guess the point of what I'm trying to say is that I've seen my cousin behave that way towards my aunt, grandma, and even myself over my two or so weeks being here. It's draining to be around so much damn arguing all the time. In some ways, the other people in the household get on my nerves, but that's another story for another time; Courtney is the worst by far. As she nears adulthood, it seems like she shuns personal responsibility more and more. This wouldn't be a problem if the parental figures in her life didn't enable her. 

Rant over. 

I had a lot more to rant about, but I can't remember. I know, that's weak as fuck, but I guess it gives me more material for another time. :D

In other news, above I mentioned that I'm working on another writing project! I intend to have this piece published, and it would be a problem if I posted it here, so send me an email at or contact me via one of my other social media links, and I'll be sure to send you a sample piece if you're interested in reading it. I really like it so far, and I can't wait to work on it more. I've kinda been hitting a wall with the story, but I'm always thinking about it, so I'm sure I can come up with something quickly! I hope you guys are doing well and I'll be back soon!


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