Monday, December 26, 2016

Holding Onto What We've Got

My dear blog friends,

How are you? It's been more than a week since I've last checked in, but I'd say that's still more consistent than I've been historically. I kinda wanna keep this post short.

Christmas has come and gone, as it seems to do so more quickly as I grow up. While last Christmas was one of the better Christmases that I can remember, this Christmas was one of the worst.

You could probably say that it's stupid for me to say something like that; I got pretty much everything I wanted, I got to spend time with my family, and overall, I just got to do fun things. And while Christmas Eve was fun and all, there was something missing. I just felt...


I mean, the whole family was at each other's throats about the restaurant we were gonna eat at. I've also hardly spent any time with my mom. I'm staying at my aunt's this holiday season because of the whole incident with Chris. 

I've been kinda bored here, so I'm low-key kinda excited to get back home.

But it doesn't matter. It's over now, and I can move on hoping that 2017 is better. I feel like 2016 has chipped away at us all a bit. 

Speaking of a new start, I really want to get straight As this semester. I'm gonna be doing 18 credit hours this coming semester, so it's already gonna be kinda stressful. It'd be nice if I could do better this semester. I see all of my friends with straight As on top of working part-time, and I'm over here with my Bs and Cs. I want to do better. I know I can do better.

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. I'll get back at ya soon.

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