Wednesday, April 18, 2018

I'll Follow My Heart to be Wherever You Are

Robert didn't come to class today, and that makes me mad!

So after weeks of anxiety, I finally opened my school email, and found that my adviser is at my throat right now trying to get me to sign up for classes for my final semester here at ECU, which is Fall this year! I've been waiting for this moment for years, now! Maybe when I do end up graduating, I can do a retrospect piece for ECU and my college experience as a whole. Originally, I had to take 17 more credit hours this coming semester, which meant that my schedule was going to be loaded. Fortunately, Dr. Cope dropped that down to 15, which totally rocks.

So, in traditional Jacob's Japanese Journey fashion, let's talk about the most important topic of all time: girls that I'm into. Now that the whole other thing I had fell through, I'm back on the prowl for that one perfect match. Luckily for myself, this semester has brought many-a-cutie to get to know. The bad part is that I'm just now getting the chance to even look at them because I was in a committed relationship for the better half of this semester. Now, I have no way of actually knowing if any of the cute girls are actually into me, or if the ones that do like me are the type that I'll like in return.

But I'm not just marginalizing girls all of the sudden-- I'm just putting myself out there, you know?

There's this one girl in particular who I just find stunning and super cool, and I've gotta say I have a crush on her. The thing is that I don't know if I have a chance. She's this girl in my film class, and she's quite the sight to behold. Her name is ******, and she's cute as heck. I just need to work up the courage to at least try to talk to her. Of course, I censored the name out of respect for her privacy, but 90%  of the reason is because Robert really wants to know, and the guessing game is fun. I need to spill the beans soon, though, because the semester is ending soon, and I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to see her again otherwise. Plus, I need Robert to fulfill his promise as my wingman. You know how these things go, right? You've seen it a million other times on my blog-- where I have a crush on a girl in class, and nothing comes of it. I just tell everyone here on the blog to keep the record fresh, you know? I'll keep you in the know.

Speaking of Robert, good ol' R.P., I have received confirmation that he has CONSIDERED playing World of Warcraft with me! If I had a smidgen less pride, I'd scream like a little girl. Finally, a friend of mine will play one of my favorite online games with me. Surely, he will invigorate my gameplay experience once more so I can finally level that damn monk I've been working on for years now. Perhaps I could actually raid with him! Doubtlessly, I'll be playing a new main character for the new expansion, Battle for Azeroth. But Robert only said he was considering it, so I'll have to keep my expectations in check for now.

I had a whole section where I returned to talking about ******, and I admitted it was kinda pathetic to be thinking about her when I hardly know her, so I'm not gonna do that. Adrenaline is pumping, boys, and I'm gonna talk to her! I promise I will, and I'm gonna tell you all about it!

But that's about it. I know it's a short post. I've recently been writing these on paper during Dr. Glover's class, (you know, the goober,) but I didn't have too much down for today. I'll have more for you next time (probably)


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