Saturday, April 21, 2018

I Know It's Hard to Remember the People We Used to Be

What's going on, guys?

Today has been one hell of a day, you know. It feels wonderful for it to finally be Friday, and the semester is almost over, which means Summer is right around the corner!

Ever since the relationship was over, I've always despised the weekends. The feeling of being alone for two days with myself left me feeling like shit and thinking about things involving her: the depressing thoughts. Oh, how I've grown! I'm feeling better than ever, now. It finally seems like everything's back to normal, and I can go back to my own life.

Just for the record, I might still bring the whole thing up in small ways the way I am now, because the after-effects are still hitting, but I'm in no way brainwashed anymore, just in case you were wondering. I'm still healing, but I just see how fast I'm able to recover after something so profound, and I'm super proud of myself. I was finally able to delete all of the photos and videos of her from my phone, and I don't feel sentimental or attached in any way. It's like a clean slate, really.

Enough about that for a while, though!

So yeah, I told you guys that I'd talk about ******, and I'm here to deliver! So I was nervous, you know? I didn't know if she had a boyfriend or not, so I just played it cool for a while. Truth be told, I was super nervous, as I am with girls, (to a fault,) and so I didn't say anything. I'm not much into the idea of a god, but I needed some kind of energy to lend itself to me for this monumental task. Robert was a huge help in this situation; he kept me calm and composed, and encouraged me to face my fears. To this day, I don't know whether or not I actually would have done it, to be honest. But as if it were divine intervention, she initiated conversation with us, Robert and I.

We got on the subject of French and foreign languages. Turns out she's into that kinda thing, which is pretty cool. She seemed friendly, but I couldn't think of a single thing to say. I was so nervous, and if the temperature allowed for it, I would have been sweaty as fuck.

It was the last day of the semester, which I found out the night I uploaded my last post, and so if I wanted to get in contact with this girl, I needed to get her info on that day. Everything was falling into the palm of my hand, which was super exciting for me. I recall ****** mentioning that she had some textbooks that she was willing to give us to study German, when I thought, "Yes! This is the perfect excuse for me to ask for her Facebook (because my phone isn't in service at the moment)." We talked some more, the conversation shifting over to the subject of foreign countries' legal systems. It's then she mentioned that there's this foreign exchange trip that people in the Criminal Justice program go on to Scotland, and she said that I should totally go with her.

The thing is, when I say "go with her," it didn't mean with her, I suppose, because she shortly after mentioned that she was trying to convince her boyfriend to go with her. Aaaaand shot down completely. But you know what? I'm totally glad I tried.

The fact that ****** had a boyfriend wasn't disheartening at all! Okay, maybe a little, but that's not the point!  My experience with ****** taught me more than anything that I still can make conversation with girls, and that I still do have a little "game". It didn't show much in that scenario, but it gave me courage and hope. I sometimes feel like my hope is misguided, but I'm just taking life one step at a time, and I'm finding it more fulfilling than ever before.

I have to give ****** a shout-out for being such a good sport about this all. I don't want to get in the middle of anything, and I'm just happy to talk to her, because it turns out she IS just as cool as I thought she was. That's the update on that! I'll let you all know if there are any new developments with this story, of if another springs up in its place!

I'm sleepy. It's technically 3AM, so when I said "today," I really meant "yesterday."

Tomorrow (which is really today,) I'm headed with Robert and Leah to go see ECU's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, which, in fact, IS my favorite Shakespeare production. Guess you can say I'm more a fan of comedies.

I'll leave you be for tonight. Get yourself some rest, no matter what time you're reading this. You deserve it.

Also, just in case you were wondering, the audio for this post won't be up for a while, because I'm gonna do it at my next convenience. Usually, I get right on it as soon as the post goes live, but I'm about to pass out, so I'll give myself a break and record it later. I'm really digging this narration thing, though! I'm getting better at reading aloud, and I hope my narration is a gradual portfolio of improvement. You'll never know when I'll get that chance to drop everything and become a voice actor. Jokes aside, I'm really enjoying it, and it's nowhere near as much of a chore as I thought it might be. I'm sticking with it.

Talk to you all later. Thanks for the click!


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