Saturday, March 31, 2018

I Can See it in Your Eyes. You're Broken Down; Your Hands Are Tied

Hello again, my bloggy buddies.

Yeah, I'm coming back atcha a little sooner than both you and even I thought I would. I guess such a thing is expected given the situation I've been going through lately, but I typically tend to go on these little breaks for several months from blogging (as I'm sure by now you've darn-well noticed).

But today, I'm not going to talk much about that situation. I mean, I could very well, but that's not what I need right now. I was told that there's no chance of things being the way they were before, and I'm okay with that. Even after the fact, I thought there'd be a sliver of a chance, but it's just not worth getting my hopes up. And I don't mean that in a bad way-- I'm just trying to be constructive in thinking. I've cried every tear left in my body at this point (not like I thought that'd help my situation,) and I've decided to put on my big boy pants and keep on going. It's a shocker, I know. My long-time readers (especially those who have seen some of the infamous deleted posts) will be scratching their heads and thinking, "Holy shit! Jacob's not totally stressing over this situation? Where's the quality heartbroken ranting and incessant amount of depression?" Well, to be honest, yeah, I am still sad, and of course it hurts, but things are looking up for me. This will no means be something easy to overcome with all the passion flowing through my veins, but what I'm understanding now is to accept the things I can't fix. I have this tendency to think that words can at least, in part, mend the wounds I've created, which is by no means the case. I'm going to leave the direct discussion topic alone for the rest of the post. I'm moving onto a new chapter in my life.

I've been a water-drinker for about a week now! You know, I never thought I'd see the day. It's become a lot easier since the caffeine cravings (and the headaches that come from caffeine withdrawal) have gone away. I plan to keep it this way, by only occasionally indulging in my favorite beverage in favor of the healthier option. Additionally, I've only been buying meal foods, and skipping out on buying snacks when I go to the grocery store. Believe me, this was the hardest thing ever! I mean, I had all the money in the world to buy some delicious snacks, but I'm sticking to this. I'm using the pain of my current situation to fuel my motivation to get in better shape, both physically and mentally. I know, I've said that I was going to get healthier in my previous posts, but this time, I'm at least coming at you from the time after I've already gotten started with my diet, so cut me some slack, okay? Plus, while this isn't a jab at anyone, and while this situation will lie far in the future, I do want to be able to attract a woman eventually, so now would be the best time to jump on the health train!

Despite the grim undertone of this week, it's actually been pretty fun. If I wasn't so tired right now, I'd tell you alllll about it. I really need to get to bed soon; my mother's coming down here to Greenville tomorrow to hang out with me and (probably) give me a haircut.

What I will say is that I took the opportunity to speak with people I didn't normally talk to and put myself out there. I want to be more social so that I might make some new friends. I want to end my college experience with a bang, you know? I went to a trivia night at the Mellow Mushroom, I talked with some old friends, and I finally resubbed to WoW. I'm so excited to start hitting the gym more often so I can really see the gains flowing in.

Like I said, I wish I could go into some more detail, but I'm seriously about to faint. I'll keep you guys in the know.

Thanks for the read!


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