Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Maybe the Exit is Where You Enter Through

You know, I’m just about sick of typing at this point. I’ve been working my fingers on a keyboard, much like this one, to the bone. My mind is weary and apathetic. My hands are fatigued with tinges of carpel tunnel. My heart is sore from my extended absence from my soulmate.

My eyes are heavy, I haven’t slept yet. And it’s all so close to being over. One more exam. One last two-and-a-half-hour course and I’ll be free from the chains.

It’s finally time for this cursed semester to come to a close. As the curtain falls, so do my woes. For when I return to my apartment, she’ll be here to pick me up. She’ll whisk me away to another realm for until New Years is over.

And though my lack of words does not, and cannot express the pain I’ve endured here for these months, I cannot say that it was all bad.

I met Robert: a helping hand, a disciple, and above all, a friend.

I met Jess: the love I’ve been waiting a lifetime for.

Lestat and I are no longer at each other’s throats.

I fell in love with the Persona franchise.

I pushed myself to be more social, just like I was freshman year.

At last, at last, I can taste the end, even though I still have some ways to go. Oh, how I wonder the jubilation I’ll feel when I write that final word, when I take that final step out of the classroom. I wonder how long it will last. Will it be a simple case of intense joy, or something more?

Lmao sorry for the crypic shit—I’m super tired. I’ll talk to you guys soon. Later!

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