Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bugs Don't Matter; No Death is Suffering, So Squish it!

I just got done taking an exam in my English Grammar course. It’s not the traditional English grammar you typically learn in school, so it’s proven to be quite difficult. I know for 100% fact that I fucked that exam up so badly. Dude, it was awful.

So, basically, my alarm went off at 9—Hey, no big deal! I can just set it to like 10 and sleep and extra hour. Well, I ended up oversleeping ‘til 10:45, and having to get ready super quickly. I was still like 10 minutes late, but I made it to the test nonetheless.

I sat there staring at the exam. I… I didn’t know ANY of the answers. They were all so simple, but the answers I knew just slipped my mind for the moment. So, I ended up just giving some bullshit answers. I didn’t have the extra time to do the bonus questions either. Yep, I’m genuinely sure I got an F on that exam. I really should have studied for that one.

Surprisingly, I did better than I thought I would have on French, which is a total shocker. That fact alone makes me almost not care about English Grammar. Almost, that is
See, in English Grammar, I’ve gotten consistent C’s on everything just because the teacher is very difficult to work with. It’s not that he’s a bad teacher – trust me, he’s actually great—but he just doesn’t jive with me. He’s very precise, and sees little room for variance in how people should answer his questions.

Ugh, college pains.

I woke up about an hour ago, so I’m mega tired. I just thought I’d update. I like to keep regular on this blog—It’s become nearly as therapeutic as it was before.

As for me, I’m going to go get some food. I came into a little money recently, and I’ve literally just been buying food with it. We have a couple of food trucks outside next to the Starbucks, so I might try those out. Either that, or I get some Chinese food. That sounds delicious too.

Oh, are you still there? I was just kinda…. Talking to myself, indulging in the food I’m going to get.
That’s all for today—you’re off the hook. Come back next time, though!

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