Sunday, April 15, 2018


After yesterday's emotional post, it finally feels good to be rid of the things holding me down. It's gonna be business as usual on this blog, so strap on in!

My problems haven't vanished, but burying my past is the only way I'm going to move forward. I'm still suffering from loneliness, and I haven't learned how to be happy with my own company the way I used to, but I'll be okay. I know how it feels to regain those positive feelings, and I'm proud of myself for enduring all that I have.

That's the thing about life, I guess. When you feel lonely, the best advice I have of not feeling so "lost in the infinite cosmos" is to just be proud of yourself. Don't be ashamed of who you are, or even worse, who you were, but instead, understand and accept that you're the best friend you'll ever have. With this, being stuck with yourself, don't you deserve to be happy with who you are with what little time you have?

You know, I know that this blog is somewhat tacky, and I've always low-key have been looking for ways to improve it. I've checked out different themes and widgets to see what I can add to make the blog look better, but nothing has ever been a suiting fit for me. Maybe someday, I'll do something like that, but for now, I'll be sticking to the standard layout. There are a few additions to the blog that you should expect soon, though!

The first of these changes is actually something that I'm starting right now!

Do you have a short attention span for reading?
Are you too busy?
Do you want to experience Jacob's Japanese Journey™ on the go?

Well, I've got the perfect solution for you! I, Jacob, humbly announce that I will be adding a SoundCloud widget to this blog, where I will post recorded narration of every blog post from here forward. This will be a wonderful way to attract new viewers, but also to make experiencing this blog more accessible to my current readers. I hope you will all try it out! To get started, you can follow the link below to follow me on SoundCloud, where you'll be updated as soon as a post goes live. If that doesn't strike your fancy (or if you can't be bothered to make a SoundCloud account,) the playlist for the blog posts will be somewhere on the sidebar. Just give it a click, and you're good to go!

In addition, I'm considering adding extra content to the SoundCloud if it's met with a positive response. I'll keep you updated.

But in terms of other changes, I've been thinking about making a couple different tabs at the top of the blog with a bio and various snapshots of myself. Perhaps, once the blog gains more traction, I can be more ambitious, but this'll be good enough for now.

You know, something I've been dying to talk about (but haven't had the chance to yet) has been my experience with a particular game. It's a game that has gotten me out of this post-Jessie slump. It's called Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse, and I just finished it last night. Shin Megami Tensei (SMT) is the series that Persona is derivative of, and as a huge fan of the Persona games, it only makes sense to jump into the series. Without giving too much away, the game focuses on a couple of kids in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo who must recruit various demons to fight along side them amid the forces of angels and demons. It's one hell of a game, and I've adored it ever since I've sunken my teeth into it. I'd highly recommend playing a game in the series, if not the one I suggested. I'm a bit of a newbie in regards to the mainline SMT series myself, so I can't make any other recommendation for the games in the series, but I hope you'll check it out on your Nintendo 3DS.

School is going well, I guess. It's not the best, but I'm still in it to win it. After this semester, I'll only have one more until I can finally walk the stage and get my piece of paper ordering me to become an adult. That's the hope that I'm currently clinging to to get me through my hard times.

That's about it for tonight, guys! This post was, in a way, designed to test out the SoundCloud feature, and I hope it all goes over well. Expect a storytime post coming soon!

Thank you for reading (or listening),


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